Just A Thread

Before posting or bumping:

Nov 29, 2022
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Ambience ♫​

Where to begin… Where to begin…

I suppose I should begin with well, the beginning. Once upon a very long time ago, two mortals fell in love, or rather, Lust, (let's be honest), and a few months later, a Little Duchess was thrust forth into this world created for Mankind. A little bit odd around the edges and a believer in all things magical, this natural-born mortal of the female variety seeks out that which has proven unobtainable.

The Truth:

I am just another bumbling idiot stumbling around this realm we are trapped in and though I have been stumbling around for four decades now, I am still no closer to figuring out how this Life works. I have resigned myself into believing that my instruction manual for "How to Succeed at Being Human" has been lost in the mail.

Now that the "About" part is taken care of, let's get onto the meat of this thread

What Do I Write:
This is as difficult or as easy as one wishes to make it. The better question to ask would be, "What do I NOT write?" For the sake of having more words than just, "Stories", I shall simply say that I enjoy writing anything and everything that would entertain those reading it.

I don't normally post pairings, although I do post plots once in a while when a creative itch decides it requires scratching. I may even post a few to this thread in the future, but today is not that day, (unless one can clear the schedule of Adult-Chores in need of doing out of the way).

The person who created this thread is the world's record holder for the slowest roleplayer in the history of this hobby. Know that the replies will be spaced out since there are times a reply cannot be made directly. So, if you are looking for a daily reply to a story, then The Duchess is not the partner for you. Weekly can sometimes occur, be it a couple of times a week or only once, but daily is something that rarely ever occurs and it is better to just get that out of the way before plotting begins.

Alright, that's all I have for now... be well and thanks for taking the time to read the thread. : )

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"it's the choices we make when we ignore our scornful intellects and follow our thumping hearts."
― Kimmery Martin

Ambience ♫​
Not every villain begins as one in their own tales. Sometimes something terribly traumatic occurs that creates the "Big Bad" and keeps them from moving past their grief or anger. What it boils down to is attempting to find out what is malignant and then cutting it out.

Now that the movies have been box office in the cinematic world we reside in, most have forgotten the written words of Wonderland. Sure, it's been many a year since my own eyes have grazed the pages of such a wonderful tale, but alas, time is as precious as the life's blood that runs through these old veins.

Regardless, the ever-painted villain of a tale is always just that... Not every villain begins as one in their own tales. Sometimes something terribly traumatic occurs that creates them from moving past their grief or anger. What it boils down to is attempting to find out what is malignant and then cutting it out.


Be this played with our Princess not yet a Queen, back in her "Pre-Villian" career, or after whichever horribly plot thought manages to turn her to her wicked ways of wishing for the heads of others to roll their crimson threads across the blocks in which they were lost.

As per my usual, I am leaving this tale mostly vague since it would depend heavily on another's brainhouse to come up with scenarios in which to Adventure in.

Was it another Prince from a different Land of Wonder? What it the Catapillar before she hexed him with the gift of gab yet had to crawl like the bug he had shown himself to be? Had it been the Hatter, who had seduced the Queen before casting his needles for another, thereby driven mad by the consequences of his actions?

We shall see...

For now, that is all I have. It took me forever to get most of the coding to even work, so if I decide to add to this plot, I suppose I shall cross that bridge when I come across it.

Be well, and Happy Writing.